Something for Saturday
D'you need beach shoes too? Link it up if you're playing today.
See y'all on the flip-flop side when I am back from Croatia!
1. Flower Child | 2. Goofball |
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D'you need beach shoes too? Link it up if you're playing today.
See y'all on the flip-flop side when I am back from Croatia!
1. Flower Child | 2. Goofball |
Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.
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Jenn in Holland
who said something
Something to find more by: Singular Saturday, these are the things that make me smile, traveling
Having spent a good many of my working years sharing a job/vacation schedule which echoes my children's school year, I have yet to grow out of the anticipation and thrill of arriving at summer vacation.
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Jenn in Holland
who said something
Something to find more by: dagelijks, making memories. living in The Hague, these are the things that make me smile
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Jenn in Holland
who said something
Something to find more by: international school the hague, photography, wordless wednesday
I have long been a diary keeper. A journal-er. A keeper of secrets in writing. What once was recorded between the covers of a spiral bound notebook, now mostly takes place upon the keyboard and monitor, but all the same I like to see my thoughts in written form.
They have never been altogether profound, and frankly a journey through my 8th grade journal would cause nothing short of guffaws and gusty hardy-har-hars if I were to pull it from it's storage box in Arizona and give it a read through. Imagine my 12-year-old Emma's delight to see the names of those boys I loved deeply, desperately and foreverly scribbled in the margins of my entries. (I know I took unbelievable pleasure in reading my mom's diary which we discovered in a hidden box once when my sisters and I were up and coming teens--especially the bits where she was dating my dad. Oh, the joy!)
My journals have never been much of a formal affair and could hardly be relied upon to give accurate blow by blow description of my daily life. Rather, they have been (and this blog continues to be) a place for me to blow off the steam, to record the most memorable feelings, and to stash away the precious keepsakes. In 3-D form, my diary keeping tends to bulge at the binding as I tuck within pages ticket stubs, photographs, drawings and other tokens to spark memories. Not as easily done here in this cyber-space (the sticky tape doesn't seem to hold the pixels) but still I make do with what I've got.
Early in my adult years I tripped across the idea of keeping an ongoing "Love List" in written form and many hand-written entries in the last years have simply been that. A list of the things I love.
Easy to say.
Important to remember.
I like my love lists. It puts everything in perspective in a hurry and keeps me in mind of the simple, beautiful things that make every day a worthwhile investment.
Years ago I had occasion to spend lots of time with a young woman who seemingly didn't have the knack for making love lists, neither internally nor on paper. She was one of those people for whom complaining seemed to bring contentment, and finding the negatives in any given situation brought some sort of warped satisfaction. Not knowing if you know this bit about me, I am going to point out the obvious once again and mention that that? That is not how I roll. I am an inherently happy person, and happy is the condition I most prefer to linger in. GLASS HALF FULL is how I've been described. So, here I was Ms. glass-half-full with Ms. my-glass-is-practically-empty-and-besides-that-there-is-a-fly-stuck-in-the-bottom, my roommate, co-worker and constant companion. (and yes, I do mean 24/7) Things went along just fine for awhile really. I was happy for the two of us and I could cover for her lack of interest in life by painting it a little thick with the Pollyanna vibe. Everything was really peachy. Really. Until it wasn't anymore.
I remember we were driving down a Long Beach highway in between meetings on a Sunday and she sighed deeply over the fact that it looked like it might rain. I followed her gaze through the front window and spotted the single cloud in the sky which for all my knowledge and experience looked nothing at all like a rain cloud And. I. Lost. It. I slammed on the brakes and pulled the car to the side of the road and Let. It. Rip. I don't remember exactly what I said, and I am sure it wasn't gentle in any way but I told her I was tired and she was really going to have to figure out how to be happy in her own right, that I could no longer do it for the both of us. She seemed shocked, dismayed and incredulous.
From that conversation and in the coming days she and I spent a lot of time talking about the idea of happiness, and the idea of finding things to be happy about in spite of whatever might be going on in life, individually or globally. One day not long after that initial brake-squealing discussion we sat down together on the porch of a Manhattan Beach house (no one was home) and wrote (well, I wrote, she dictated) a list of 50 THINGS TO BE THANKFUL FOR. In the end it was a stunning list full of incidental and all-inclusive items which taken in their sum total would make even the saddest heart sing, and taken individually just might bring a smile to a set of down turned lips. If only for a moment. The discovery for her and for me upon that exercise is that the simple things, which we overlook almost completely on a daily basis, are really the things that make all the difference.
My Love List today looks something like this:
You know, simple pleasures are the best.* Truly.
Happy to sing with the Music Monday bunch.
Button above will take you to the others!
Go on now, click it. Click it good.
Said by
Jenn in Holland
who said something
Something to find more by: Bobby McFerrin, living in The Hague, making memories, these are the things I think about, these are the things that make me smile
Typing one handed with me? Send bandaids... er, I mean leave your link for the game.
1. SMID 2. Goofball | 3. Anneke 4. Flower Child | 5. Jan 6. Kate Forsey |
Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.
Said by
Jenn in Holland
who said something
Something to find more by: Singular Saturday, these are the things I whine about
We'll talk soon.
Said by
Jenn in Holland
who said something
Something to find more by: blogging, Looking Into, these are the things I think about
1. GOOFBALL 2. grace 3. Soccer Mom in Denial | 4. Flower Child 5. Anneke 6. Jan | 7. DaveH Expat 8. Hotmamamia |
Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.
Said by
Jenn in Holland
who said something
Something to find more by: Singular Saturday, these are the things that make me sigh
Said by
Jenn in Holland
who said something
Something to find more by: photography, these are the things that make me smile, traveling, weekend in Bruges
Sympathy in the comments section greatly appreciated.
As always, leave your link if you're playing today.
Synmpathy Players:
Said by
Jenn in Holland
who said something
Something to find more by: international school the hague, Singular Saturday, these are the things I think about
Nothing says homesick more than knowing the celebrations back home are just beginning...
Said by
Jenn in Holland
who said something
Something to find more by: expatriate life, living in The Hague, these are the things that make me cry
Occasionally, as I have hopped from blog to blog, I find a post here and there exposing how readers find various blogs. (Search engine trackers such as google analytics keep track of such things) Always on the fascinating side, sometimes leaning toward the risque, I have found myself intrigued by the notion and wondering just what it is that leads people here to this page. (I mean of course, aside from my charm, wit, beauty and ultimate humility...)
So, I went to look.
As you might expect with a blog title such as mine and the subjects I cover here in my writing, most of the referral searches were phrased in some variation of "Life in The Netherlands". I suppose it's obvious why such a search might lead someone here, and while that in and of itself isn't a total thrill a minute revelation, what admittedly was just a little on the cool side is the fact that given that particular word search my blog hits at the top of the page. (Thanks google!)
Randomly though, a search for "Serbian Rappers" also brought my personal blog to the front page of listings. I haven't had much to say about Serbian Rappers other than this post, but let's be honest, is there really a whole lot to say about Serbian Rappers? Perhaps, that's why my post ranks near the top of the list when a random someone makes a random search about such a random subject. However, if ever Serbian Rappers take off and hit the big time I will feel proud that I knew them when...
Educationally, someone set a search with the words "What is Karnemelk?". I am not sure what information they gained about Karnemelk by linking here to my blog, but I am happy indeed to answer this question for the inquiring mind: Karnemelk is yucky.
There now, we all feel better with that tidbit of information filed properly, don't we?
Curiously, someone wants to know about "Life in Netherlands not so good, great". I hardly know what to say in response. "Life in Netherlands not so good" may indeed be a phrase that has leaked from my lips on occasion. But so has "Life in Netherlands, great". The latter being more often uttered than the former. My guess is, no matter where you are living you could utter the same set of phrases interchangeably too. But that's life, ain't it?
Laughably, a search for "Nederland in Globe" also led someone here. I am still kind of scratching my head over this one. Just what is it the reader wanted to know? Is the Netherlands on the globe? Why yes, yes it is. It's a small country sure, but most mapmakers and globe builders have indeed heard of the place.
It could be a question regarding Nederlanders as stars of the GLOBEtrotters, maybe. The Dutch are certainly tall enough, and Haarlem was after all a city here first, but alas, this country doesn't play basketball.
Is it Nederland at the GLOBE theatre? Ah, yes, Shakespeare in Dutch! Could a rose not smell as sweet?
How far can I push this?
Nederland in the Boston Globe?
Nederland in Globe Communication?
Nederland in Global Warming?
Okay, I'll stop.
Sweetly, someone inquired "Love Words in Dutch" to which I reply a hearty "ME TOO!" I love words in Dutch! Especially words like Koffiepadapparat and achtentachtig. As to the actual "love words" in Dutch, I remember several Spanish speaking women in my beginners Dutch class going on a rant over the awkwardness of saying I love you in Dutch. I've never gotten over their giggles over the sound of Ik hou van jou and the absolute triumph they felt with the far superior Te quiero of their native tongue.
Lastly, is it wrong that I find it a point of pride that the search "Mama Had a Baby and His Head Popped Off" led more than one reader straight to this page?
These are the things that make me laugh.
So, this is what leads the random readers here. I suppose with the revelation of how they got here it begs the question: what will bring them back again?
Oh, are you still here? Tell me why.
Said by
Jenn in Holland
who said something
Something to find more by: blogging, life in Holland, living in The Hague, these are the things that make me laugh
Said by
Jenn in Holland
who said something
Something to find more by: living in The Hague, photography, wordless wednesday
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