Thursday, November 1

Does This Spell Anything?

P is for perfect. Or at least pretty darn near. If you are not a blog hopper and therefore missed the song of motherhood over at Brillig's place this month, then you must drop everything NOW and go forth to read it. And more to the point, if you are a blog hopper and you read it before, I simply must insist you drop everything NOW and read it again.
Among other simply perfect things she says in her piece In the Still of The Night she whispers this line:

"But in those sacred hours of the night, while “important” people are sleeping, my little baby and I share powerful moments full of love, peace, and serenity—things that society doesn’t give him but that perhaps one day he’ll give to society. As I rock him, I tell him who he is, I tell him who he can become, I tell him who loves him."

A bit of writing which brings tears to my eyes and a lump to my throat even as I cut and paste it from her blog page to mine.
It's simply a can't be missed post. A perfect post. And it deserves this:

The Original Perfect Post Awards - Oct

Brillig, ya done good, baby.

(P is also for postscript. That is this: More perfect posts for October can be found at Lindsay's or Momma K's. Just thought you should know)

F is for first. Meaning First day of the month. The first day of this month--November--signals the beginning of that crazy blogging fun begun at NaBloPoMo. I know the word looks silly, but the intent is terrific. National Blog Posting Month. A post every day for the month of November. Every. Day. Yes, I shall say it again: Every. Darn. Day.

Certainly sounds like a gauntlet thrown down to me. And since I can't run from a challenge, I am giving it a go. You'll come around all month just to see what I have to say, right?

S is for something new. Or Saturday. Either one is a decent segue to this: Part of my NaBloPoMo fun will be a new Saturday game I will play. I thought of it myself, but you can play too if you wish. I shall call it Singular Saturday and it will consist of posting only a single word. From the ridiculous to the sublime, I will wrap it all up for you (my many deep and profound thoughts) in a single word on Saturdays. Now, that's sensational.

[I am going to need a badge for that, I guess.]


  1. I love Singular Saturday. And happy nablopomo. Mine goes up with a blog exchange tomorrow morning my time.

  2. NaBloPoMo-ers unite! I too am waiting until it is actually Nov 1 to start up.

    I just LOVE Singular Sensation Saturday. Count me in.

  3. Brillig's post was just amazing. Thanks so much for directing me there. It was completely brilliant.

    I'm a NaBloPoMo MoFo, too!

  4. You can do it, it's only 30 posts right? Not even 31.

    And thanks so much for the postcard. It came and was a big hit around here.

  5. S is for Super idea, that Singular Saturday. I'm excited to see how that goes!

    Y is for Yay for NaBloPoMo. I'll be playing too, and it could get very ugly. Hahaha. I'm certain I'll wake up one of these days and write, "Brian snored last night" and have that be the entire post. hahaha.

    And F is for Flabbergasted by your amazing words and you sweet generosity. You having a lump in your throat brings a lump to mine. Thank you SO SO much. I'll officially acknowledge this at my blog when I post this evening. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  6. Sounds like fun to me... Where do I sign up! :)

    One word,... Do pictures count too??:)

  7. I am so jealous of all you lovely bloggers who will be playing various games in the coming weeks. I am lucky if I even get my computer fired up (except for the homework assignments of DD1). (sigh) It is not going well, but I call you about all that. Suffice to say that thought I won't be with you online, I am there in spirit and will comment when I can. Lurking is definitely the right word as I feel like a ghost these days...

    Even if I don't play, you know I am enjoying your games!
