Saturday, November 15

Coming to Town


my own game
click here for the rules.

It's that time of year! Put your shoes near the chimney...

1. Anneke

2. Soccer Mom in Denial

3. Flower Child

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


  1. Hij komt, hij komt, die lieve, goede Sint! :D

    It already started, in our family, we've drawn 'lootjes' and I'll be off making surprisegifts and rhymes...

  2. I need to order my chocolate letters. Thanks for the reminder!

  3. Wow. That came fast.

    Thanks for linking me.

  4. Oh yes he came to Antwerp last Saturday too, so he's visiting Belgium already as well!

    OOOOH how exciting :)

    I phoned my sister yesterday and a very young voice picked up the phone "hallo, ik ben Zwarte Piet!! en Sinterklaas heeft gezegd dat alle kindjes braaf zijn geweest" it said. oh great, thanks for that update :p. A bit later during my conversation with my sister she saw him coming by with a big folder of invoices he had dragged out of a cupboard. "what are you doing" she asked him. "it's the book of Sinterklaas! It lists all children and dolls that have been good this year".
    oh I loved it!
