Monday, November 19

With a Song in My Heart

Today, there is a single song in the hearts, minds and voices of all Dutch children (and at least one expat family) here in Holland.

Well, not a single song exactly, but a single type of song which is being played, whistled, danced to, hummed and sung in playgrounds, stores, homes and bathtubs around the country.

They are all about this guy:

Yup, that's right.
The Sint is in town!

Zie ginds komt de stoomboot

uit Spanje weer aan.
Hij brengt ons Sint Nicolaas
ik zie hem al staan.
Hoe huppelt zijn paardje
het dek op en neer,
hoe waaien de wimpels
al heen en al weer.

Sinterklaas arrived by steamboat from Spain on Saturday along with his helpers the Zwarte Piet. All will be in town from now until the 5th of December when the season culminates with Pakjesavond or the night of gifts. Between now and then it's all about singing the songs, spotting the Pieten on the streets, visiting the Sint at parties and parades, and of course, leaving shoes out by the fireplace at night in hopes of finding a treat inside in the morning.

Sinterklaasje bonne, bonne, bonne,
gooi wat in mijn regen, regentonne,
gooi wat in mijn laarsje,
dank u, Sinterklaasje!

You can be certain I will be checking my shoes and if you're looking for me, you can find me by listening in for the song of the season. I will be belting it out with the best of them, because it's true, I am crazy about Sinterklaas.

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  1. Sinterklaas kapoentje,
    leg wat in mijn schoentje,
    leg wat in mijn laarsje,
    dank je sinterklaasje.


    Daaaar wordt aan de deur geklopt, hard geklopt
    zacht geklopt
    daaar wordt aan de deur geklopt
    wie zou het zijn?

    Wees maar gerust mijn kind,
    ik ben de goede Sint
    Ook al ben ik zwart als roet
    ik meen het wel goed.


    sinterklaasje kom maar binnen met je knecht
    want we zitten allemaal even recht
    misschien heeft u nog even tijd
    voordat u weer naar Spanje rijdt

    en we zingen en we springen en we zijn zo blij
    want er zijn geen stoute kinderen bij
    en we zingen en we springen en we zijn zo blij
    want er zijn geen stoute kinderen bij!


    Oh Jen you totally got me going this morning :p. Now all these sungs are struck in my head.

    I had posted to about the amazing fact that Sinterklaas arrived by boat on Saturday in every single town in Belgium and the Netherlands so it seems at about 2PM :p

    You gotta love Sinterklaas for this amazing effort, right!

  2. And guess what? He visits the expats in London too! What a guy...

  3. I just LOVE what Music Monday has created. Goofball! That is one of the longest replies I've ever seen!

  4. Yeah--what fun! I am having a good time with all of you, thanks for sharing! Now I've got the song stuck in my head--I'll be humming it the rest of the evening.

  5. Dang that was fun! I sent the link to the video to my oldest sister. She will be sooooooo homesick for Holland when she hears and sees this!

  6. Is this the same thing as St. Nicholas Day where you leave your shoes out and they get filled with candy? We always celebrated that growing up.

  7. Um... shoulda read this post first. Ignore my question about December 6th. Correction - I'm having such fun learning about German and Dutch holiday traditions! (And Flemish!)

  8. Now that song is catchy! Looks so fun.
