Friday, May 9

Shooting Boston


  1. Great photos of a great city. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy the rest of your trip!

  2. Ah yes, I remember it well...

  3. Very nice pic's. My favorite is the white picket fence. Love it.

  4. *sniff**sniff* You keep going everywhere I want to be. I even commented in my post for today how Dublin is my favorite city out of all of those I've lived in.... excepting, of course, Boston.

    *sigh* Wow, you really know how to make a girl homesick. :)

  5. ooooh I recognise it...I've been there too.

  6. so great to see this city through someone else's eyes!

  7. You're there at the most beautiful time of the year, too! (Well, that and it's fall equivalent). Give Allison a huge hug for me, please!

  8. Bloggers are set to blog for peace June 4, 2008.
    I invite you to join me - and a cast of incredible bloggers - as we mark our world with a promise of peace. Bloggers from around the globe will write posts entitled "Dona nobis pacem" and fly peace globes in the fourth launch of BlogBlast for Peace. I hope you will join the movement and participate again in this growing phenomenon. You are officially peace globe #211 in the Peace Globe Gallery. Click the link below to learn how to get your peace globe.
    Your blog. One post. One day.
    BlogBlast For Peace: A Revolution of Words
    If words are powerful, then this matters.
    Mimi Lenox
    Brought to you by Mimi’s little helpers for peace.

  9. wow, I have a clear influence on your blog :p...10 minutes later, singular saturday is up.

    Hmm I should try some other wild suggestions on you;)

  10. Okay that settle it. I am NOT buying a pair of jeans! ;)

    Nice pics!

    And thanks for stopping by. Hee hee.

  11. I love, love, love boston. I had an opportunity to live there, and didn't, and it's one of my greatest regrets in life.
