Wednesday, May 14

Touch Wood


  1. Ok done! That is a superstition in our house too. :)

    Happy WW and thanks so much for stopping by!

  2. I'll head on outside in a sec. Thx for the tip. Happy WW :)

  3. hmmm... I thought the whole touch wood thing was only if you said something and you didn't want to jinx yourself. You know like, "Wow, I'm sure to win the contest now that everyone else has dropped out" (insert wood touching).

    Happy WW.

  4. Handy indeed...

    Cool shot! Ours is up as well at burntofferings and more at bernies fotoblog.

    Have a great WW!!

  5. Just did it! May it bring all of us luck. (Though I don't know why, it's worth a try!)

  6. I've never heard of touching wood for good luck!

  7. In the States we use the saying, "Knock on Wood," to add a little more hope to something we've said hopefully.
    Wikipedia equates our Knock on Wood to the Touch Wood uterance.

    Happy WW, Jenn!

    I have a cute dog backing a car out of a parking place on mine this week.

  8. We knock on wood in our house for luck!! But I bet it's just the same! ;) Great photo!!

    Happy WW!

  9. You don't say? I'm off to touch some wood!

  10. We touch wood too. THe not-wife invariably raps on my head! Happy WW

  11. First time to hear about this superstition! I've heard of knocking on wood, but just that. This is interesting. Can't hurt to give it a whirl! Happy WW!

  12. I think I would rather touch wood than knock on it anyway for good luck, seems more respectful that way. Nice picture! Happy WW Jenn!

  13. Is this only done on a particular wood/tree esp. in Prague? Wish I had a tree for luck like that. Cool shot. I love the juxtaposed textures.
    Happy WW.
    (P.S. Couldn't post my WW this week.)

  14. It's quite common here for people to tap their head and say touch wood. Thinking about I do it often myself! I understand that the superstition goes back to pagan times when they considered trees to have spirits

  15. I learned something new. Cool! I have heard knock on wood, but never touch wood. Now I know.

  16. desk at work is solid wood and I touch it all day, every day. Where's my luck? Oh, wait ... family, health, job, you and other friends ... never mind, I think I found it.

  17. I can always use some luck! Happy WW!

  18. Will it bring me good luck if I touch the screen? LOL - I need all the luck I can get! Happy WW.

  19. Never heard of that, but willing to give it a try.

    Beautiful nails! I'm so jealous.
